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App: Mindless Behavior Prank Calls

  (694 votes)
Views: 3759
Category Entertainment
Requires os version:Android2.2 and up
Mindless Behavior is an American boy band, best known for the singles "My Girl" and "Mrs. Right", produced by Walter Millsap. The band was put together in Los Angeles in 2008, by Keisha Gamble, Walter Millsap (who has previously worked with Beyoncé and Timbaland) and Vincent Herbert (Lady Gaga, Toni Braxton), and the band trained in dance and singing for two years before releasing a recording. The members are all in their early teens. They performed "My Girl" on The Today Show in November 2010. Their debut album, #1 Girl, was released on September 20, 2011. It debuted on the US Billboard 200 album chart at number seven.

Prank your friends and family with this prank call. You just need to pretend as if members of Mindless Behavior is calling you.Just run the app once before you prank others and you'll get the idea how it works.Use it to prank others or if u are a real fan of Mindless Behavior then use this app for your self.

Tags : Mindless Behavior calling, pranks, fooling, Princeton, Prodigy, RayRay, Roc Royal

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