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Game: BeatBoxes FREE

  (14 votes)
Views: 401
Category Music
Requires os version:Android2.3 and up
BeatBoxes is an application born as a school project and developed during free time between school and studies.

The goal of this game is pretty simple:
Get all the boxes by touching them before they reach the end of the screen and only after they crossed the line marking the half in order to get points. Be careful, boxes will follow the music pace, easing in or out depending on music intensity.

The game has two playable modes:
- "Music Mode" in which difficulty is given by your own music tracks
- "Practise Mode" in which musical rhythm will only influence some visual effects while the difficulty will scale based on your points, the more you get the faster boxes will drop!

There are 4 levels of difficulty:
Easy, Normal, Hard and Impossible

It will be your goal to get the best score in all the soundtracks of your playlist!

************* Play Games implementation! *****************

Coming Soon:
- In-game Tutorial

- Multiplayer
- Cloud-Saves
- Offline Achievements

Powered By Unity3D

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