Name: jacqueline
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Country: United States
Proud owner of: Motorola KRZR K1c
My slogan: H-B-I-C(Head Bitch In charge)
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About me

Name: jacqueline
Sex: Female
Age: 35
Status: In relationship
Country: United States United States
Member since: May 2009
Last update: 20.05.2010 14:53

My Phone

Motorola KRZR K1c

Display size 176x220

MyTinyphone have selected this phone 454th most popular phone on site!

358 users have this phone

Go to Motorola KRZR K1c group page


Favorite activities:
I work a lot. Spend time with my boyfriend, listen to music, and hang out with family and friends.
Favorite music:
anything that really sounds good at the time i have no favorites.
Favorite movies:
The Notebook of course,,, and i also Wanted with Angalina Jolie because she is smoking hot.
Favorite TV Shows:
Do not watch a lot of tv just when me and my man are being lazy and its normally whatever he wants to watch.
Favorite Books:
Do not have any really....

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